Upcoming Dates
25Mar9:00 am-4:30 pm
Salamander Credentialing System- Watertown
Date, Time: Tuesday, March 25, 2025 0900-1630 (CST)
Course Description:
The first half of the training day will cover SalamanderLIVE v3, a resource management tool. This statewide solution gives all city, county, and state agencies the ability to credential personnel and equipment and produce a standardized ID card credential. This then allows for seamless interoperability across all city and county lines. The resource information is housed in the web based SalamanderLIVE system. As of today, there is over 27,000 people, 22,000 pieces of equipment, and 2,000 organizations in our database across the state.
The second half of the day will focus on the Salamander TrackAPP (for smartphones and tablets) to conduct resource accountability, and rapidTAG incident specific badging system will be covered. You will be given the opportunity to use these tools as we will be conducting a tabletop exercise.
This course will highlight the latest changes with the release of SalamanderLIVE v3. You will also obtain the ability to gain greater situational awareness, generate incident specific reports, and equipment cost reports. Inventory management will also be discussed.
It is recommended to bring your rapidTAG printer/laptop & TrackAPP if you have one.
Target Audience:
Any personnel who utilizes the Salamander system, to include emergency managers, IMAT members, salamander Agency Administrators, Agency Data Personnel, Agency Training Personnel, TrackAPP Users, rapidTAG Users, and any other potential system users.